Don Doty - Elimination, Ex Dark Angel
Kategori: AllmΓ€nt

1. Hi! So how are you doing today?
Doing great! A lot of things are coming together for me and Eliminate.
2. What bands did you grow up listening to?
A lot of the norm and radio but anytime I was able to get something new I grabbed it.
Ozzy was a big part of my influence. Then bands like Tank just won me over.
I liked bands that the singer was just a regular guy doing what he was meant to do. Belt out is vox.
3. When did you start singing and what was your first band?
Started singing in high school. My first and only ever band was Dark Angel. Yeah we called ourself Shell Shock at first but it was always Rob,Jim,and Don that made Dark Angel what it was.

4. Who would you say were your top 5 influences as a singer?
Top influence would have been Ozzy and the rest were alot of underground bands and even some punk bands.
5. Did you feel that there were something big and new going on when the whole thrashscene was forming?
Yes I did think what we were doing could catch on and I wanted to be more of a part of it. The cool thing is I still do get to be part of it because it is still growing every day.
6. Many people who were around in the beginning describes it as one big party with now famous bands playing in peoples backyards. How do you remember it?
Hmm yes that is kind of true but it was much more. Playing places like the VFW halls and even places like Raido City and Woodstock in Anaheim were pretty damn cool.

7. Gary Holt from Exodus recently said that many influences for him making thrashmusic came from a mix of bands like Judas Priest and Discharge. Would you agree on that?
He pretty much nailed it. Priest and Kiss were big parts for sure Discharge and Dead Kennedys, DRI big parts as well
8. Were you aware of the thrashscene in Germany with bands like Sodom, Kreator, Destruction and Tankard when you started out in the US?
Yes we were aware of the scene over there and it was accepted over there while here we had to work at getting people to hear it. Yes we did listen to each others bands but we did it a little different. We traded tapes. Its how it worked.
9. Which is your personal favourite album with Dark Angel that you are on?
I am going with Darkness Descends. Only because we were able to get across what we were about.

Β 10. Have you listen to the Dark Angel albums that youΒ΄re not on, and if so what do you think of them?
Yes I have listen to them. I'm not loving them. I would have done them a bit differently. But that is what makes an artist who he is and i'm not saying their way is wrong and mine is right. All I am saying is the songs would have came out differently with my style.

11. Name your top 5 favourite thrashalbums?
Dark Angel - Darkness Descends, Slayer - Show No Mercy, Nuclear Assault- Game Over, Metallica - Kill Em All, Exodus - Bonded By Blood.
12. Most of the focus were on bands like Metallica, Slayer & Megadeth. Do you think that bands like Dark Angel, Forbidden, Vio-Lence, Possessed, Death Angel and other California thrashbands were overlooked and not got the recognition they deserved?
I think any of us could have turned main stream but that was not our goal. We played the music that we wanted to and if people like it, great! If they didn't, great! It did not bother me one way or the other.
13. The cover for the We Have Arrived album is more like a painting and you did not have the classic Dark Angel logo on the front. What can you tell us about that albumcover?
We were going to have a different cover all together but when it got back from the ratings they said no store would carry it.
Also we would have to put so many rating stickers on it that it would not been seen. I guess that the big deal was it was all real and not set up. Hit me up and I'll tell you about it. So we seen the drawing from Dave at Azra Records and it looked cool so we went with it.

14. Can you name your favourite albumcovers?
Over the years one cover did come close to ours and that was Operational Hazard - Condition Critical, Exodus - Bonded By Blood, Whiplash - Unborn Again,
15. Many of the old thrashbands are still around and put out great albums. Like Exodus - Blood In Blood Out and Slayers Repentless. Do you listen to any of the "old" bands and their new albums or what kind of music do you listen to nowadays?
Yes i listen to metal . It has always been my fav. I also listen to a wide range of music. I always have.
16. Who would you say is the top frontmen/women?
.I like the way Ozzy does his and then the way Halford does his.
17. Are there any bands that you want to recommend?

18. What can you tell us about the band Eliminate?
Elininate is a project I put together because the fans wanted to hear me sing some of my old Dark Angel songs. I have a lot more to give and I believe the fans will like it. So we just co headlined Grindcore in LA and it was a huge success!
We showcased some early Dark Angel you know. The first two lp's and played one of our new songs Syndicate Life.
19. There have been many turns with Dark Angel and you are not part of the reunion now and they are continuing with Ron Reinhart as a singer. What are your comments on that?
Well, last I heard Ron was done due to medical reasons.. I would tell anybody if it is going to make you loose your vox or maybe kill you too, you know kick back and chill. I dont know if what he has done has done any damage but I do with them all that they can do on there own.

20. What does the future holds for you now?
The future is bright. Had to buy new shades! Im waiting for the right manager so we can go out and see the fans and hit a few festivals.
21. Finally. Do you think you will ever sing in Dark Angel again?
Good question! My answer is, I am and always will be Dark AngelΒ΄s first two lp's. So if you care to hear them come on out to a show.
As for the other Dark Angel I really dont see that happening but I have learned that never say never..
Dark Angel - Darkness Descends -
Dark Angel live with Don Doty, Cypress California 851102 -
Eliminate - Burning Of Sodom (Live)Β 2015 -
Dark Angel - We Have Arrived -