Sam Saw - BLADE
Kategori: AllmΓ€nt
Hey dudes and dudettes! Sam Saw here! Im here again (thanks Bastards Of BohuslΓ€n) to vomit over something that bugs me.
So letΒ΄s talk hair!
I cannot even understad what people were thinking back in the days with their hairstyles. You know the one. That poofy fucker you saw on everbodys head. I mean, i know it was fashion at the time but did people not own a mirror?

I'm no better myself. I confess. I had one myself. FOR 2 FUCKING SECONDS!!! Then i looked in the mirror and realized that i and everbody else looked like a fucking floormop!
Some of my friends said that they wanna look like their music heroes?? What heroes? The glamband had similar hair but they took it to the extreme and didn't really look like the fans did. They just looked awful! Maybe they should have looked more to the rockstars with "normal" hair in the 70Β΄s. Like Ozzy in Black Sabbath, Scott Gorham from Thin Lizzy or Lemmy. I can go on and on. But still the fans looked like this??!! Well well im glad its over...

The other think that bugs me is when i see my old friends. I still have my long straight hair and when i see my buddies they often say something like "Oh cool! You still have that metalstyle and the long hair. Man i remember when i had that to!" Then i just want to grab them and shake them out of their illusion and scream "NO YOU DIDN'T! YOU NEVER DID! YOU HAD FUCKING BANGS AND LONG HAIR IN THE NECK AND LOOKED LIKE AN ASSHOLE!!!!"
But i don't.... I'm a nice guy.... And its like with christian people. They cannot help that they are wrong :-)
Well this was my recent problem no one cares about, ha ha!
Thanks for reading and keep listening to thrashmetal! I hope i'll be back here soon and write something else that irks my privileged ass!
Stay heavy (as King says!) /Sam Saw