Olaf Zissel - Tankard
Kategori: Allmänt
1. Hello there Olaf! How are you doing today?
All well I think
2. Where did you learn how to play drums and how old were you when you
I started at the age of 12 in a small music school but they had
the focus on Marching drums so I was drumming with a headphone to stuff
like AC/DC, Judas Priest and stuff like that…
3. What were your musical influences growing up?
Next to the headphone, bands I told you before. I was a big Kiss fan and I also listen Ted Nugent alot.
4. Do you self listen to other thrashbands or what kind of music do you
My favorite at the moment is Clutch but I’m not sure if I can call
them metal?
5. How did you get the job as drummer for Tankard?
I got a call from the management to play the „Two Faced „ Tour in 1994 and how ever it comes I’m still here…
6. Were you a fan of Tankard before you joined in 95?
I joined in January 94 and before that time I’ve seen a few shows with OW and also Arnulf but at this time I was more interested in Hardcore and Punkrock so I don’t want
to call me a fan.

7. What is you favourite Tankard album that you DONT play on and what is
your favourite that you DO play on?
My fave without is the Alien EP and my fave with is The Tankard.
8. Tankard have their own genre "alcoholic metal". So what is your favourite
Schlappeseppel Landbier
9. Does Tankards green alien mascot have a name?
10. Before Tankard you were in a band called Autopsia who only released one
demo called Alosia. Tell us more about that band.
Not much to say about that after such a long time. We released a demotape and played some shows in the local area and a few in East Germany wich was very special cause
that happened before the wall came down.
11. How come you recorded a cover of the theme for Pippi Longstocking
(Pippi Langstrumpf (ger) Pippi Långstrump (swe)?
We thought this is funny.
Autopsia - Pippi Langstrumpf: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LY3MJqm2lwY

12. Which of the other big thrashbands in Germany Sodom, Destruction and
Kreator would you say you like the most?
If you ask me this question 3 times a week it’s possible that you get 3 different answers.
13. You all recently played a festival together for the first time in 30
years? How was that?
At the end of the day it was a Kreator show with a few support bands but it was funny to meet all the guys on one day.
14. You also played in Tankwart who mostly played covers of old german
schlagersongs. How did that idea come up?
Back in these days in the middle of the 90’s somebody brought a tape from Diether Thomas Kuhn who was very popular in Germany in this time for just playing these old german songs and we had to listen to it again and again cause the player in our van had a defect and we couldn’t put the tape out o fit. After a few days on tour we started to sing along with the music and later on we thought that we have to do something with this stuff…
15. Are we gonna see more of Tankwart in the future?
Never say No but we have no plans in this direction.
16. I saw Tankard perform at Sweden Rock Festival in 2003 and that was a
great show! Are we gonna see you in Sweden again in the near future?
I’m not sure but I think not in 2014 but always keep in mind that I’m just the
drummer – not the booker.
17. My personal favourite album that you play on is Beast Of Bourbon. I
think that the sound on that album is much louder and harder and the songs
seems more aggressive. Would you agree to that and what are your memories
about that recording?
It’s what we called the „Andy Classen sound" and I like it very much but after a few productions we decided to change. But working with Andy was always very relaxed and easy.
18. The song Disco Destroyer from the album Disco Destroyer is the shortest
song on the album (01:16) and the lyrics goes:
"I'm a Disco Destroyer
Can I borrow your axe
I don't care - yes, I can
We gonna smash all the fucking discos
And burn them to their fucking ground
From Frankfurt to Frisco I destroy all discos
I'm real fucking DISCO DESTROYER..."
Seems like only Tankard can come up with such lyrics! What is
the story behind that song?
I think that was the idea of Harris Johns. The drum recordings
for Disco Destroyer were finished and he was wondering why we don’t have a titletrack
for the album. Then Andy Bulgaropolus and I started to jam around for 20 minutes while
Harris was recording us secretly.
The result of an adolescent, senseless violent fantasy.

19. What is the craziest thing you´ve seen in the audience
while playing?
A guy was buying a girlie shirt at the merch (Size S) and
tried to get his body in it. He made it but I don’t think that he ever
got out of it.
20. What does the future hold for Tankard now? Any plans for a new album?
We will start the recordings in Feb 2014 and release is … sorry but I’m
just the drummer… a few month later
Website: http://www.tankard.info/start.html
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/tankardofficial
Tankard - Minds On The Moon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBHXYgUBp4U
Tankard - Stay Thirsty: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ec51yi2yYq4
Tankard - The Beauty And The Beast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xD05BzAQ5xw
Tankard - Rules For Fules: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-oYmnD1CFys
Tankard - Forza SGE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BHYc0ccYqc
Tankard - A Girl Called Cerveza: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgCRPriksBk
Tankwart - Tanze Samba Mit Mir: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2lDMpz1U8w
Källor: http://www.tankard.info/start.html